Working Remotely Abroad: How to Overcome the Loneliness Factor



The digital nomad lifestyle can seem idyllic, with the freedom to work and travel anywhere in the world. However, it can also be isolating, with the lack of a traditional office environment and the challenges of meeting new people in a foreign country. Loneliness can be a real issue for those working remotely abroad, but there are ways to overcome it. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common causes of loneliness for digital nomads and offer practical tips to help combat it.  

The Isolation Factor

Working remotely in a foreign country can feel lonely because of the lack of face-to-face interaction. Unlike in a traditional office, you won’t have colleagues to chat with over coffee or lunch. This can lead to a feeling of isolation, which can be compounded if you’re working from home or a co-working space where everyone is focused on their own work. One of the best ways to combat loneliness as a remote worker is to join a community. Many co-living spaces and co-working spaces offer social events and activities, such as yoga classes or game nights, to bring people together. This is a great way to meet other remote workers and make new friends. Noma Collective offers a range of accommodation options that provide a sense of community, with shared spaces and regular events.  

Missing Familiarity

Being in a foreign country can be exciting and adventurous, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know anyone. You may miss the familiarity of your home country, and the comfort of having family and friends close by. Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to stay connected with loved ones no matter where you are in the world. Schedule regular video calls with family and friends and take advantage of social media to stay in touch. Noma Collective's accommodation options provide high-speed internet, so you can stay connected with ease. 

Language and Cultural Barriers

Another cause of loneliness for remote workers abroad is language and cultural barriers. Communicating with locals or even ordering food can be a struggle if you don’t speak the local language. Cultural differences can also make it difficult to connect with others. Learning the local language can go a long way in making you feel more connected to your surroundings. There are plenty of online resources available, such as Duolingo, to help you learn a new language. Embrace the local culture by trying new foods, attending local events, and getting involved in the community. Noma Collective also offers language courses and cultural activities for its guests to make settling in easier.  

Lack of Structure

Without a traditional office environment, remote workers may struggle with the lack of structure that comes with working from anywhere. It can be challenging to establish a routine and maintain a work-life balance, which can lead to feeling disconnected and lonely. Establishing a routine can help remote workers feel more grounded and connected. Set a regular schedule for work and leisure activities and stick to it as much as possible. Use apps like Trello or Asana to keep track of your tasks and deadlines. Noma Collective's accommodation options also offer the amenities and space to help create a comfortable workspace. 

Working remotely abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it does come with its challenges. Loneliness can be a real issue, but it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. By joining a community, staying connected with loved ones, learning the language and culture, and establishing a routine, remote workers can overcome the loneliness factor and thrive in their new environment. Noma Collective offers a community-driven approach to remote work, providing all the resources you need to succeed in your remote work travel journey. Visit our website to learn more!